Georgia Legal Notices provides advanced notice to the citizens of Georgia when legal action has been taken against them. We monitor court and public records in many of the North Georgia counties and obtain information regarding legal action taken against the citizens of those counties. In many cases, the information is obtained the day after the legal action is filed with the court or placed in public records.


The letter or email you received may have arrived before you received information from the court or other notice regarding the legal action. Our goal is to give you as much advance notice of the legal action as possible so you can be prepared to address the matter in an informed manner. We provide general information to you regarding the legal action that has been initiated and we offer suggestions for how you can respond.

You can obtain general information about the legal action by choosing the category that best represents the subject of the letter or email you received. We will provide you with an explanation of the information contained in the notice and offer suggestions to address the legal action. The Court Records page of this website will provide you with information for obtaining more detailed information about the legal action directly from the court.


Please don’t ignore the letter or email you received from our office informing you of legal action taken against you. If you don’t respond to the legal action, you may lose your home, your vehicle, your hard-earned wages, or funds in your bank account. We are here to help you through this difficult time. We can refer you to a bankruptcy attorney who will provide a free consultation to meet privately with you to discuss your situation and provide advice for responding to the legal action.



Much of the information we obtain regarding legal action taken against you comes from court records.



Contact our office with questions about the notice and simply want additional information.



We get information from the courts and other public records as soon as the legal action has been initiated.